Why I'm starting a personal blog

I’ve always been the type of person who follows her intuition. Any choice that I’ve made based on that ‘gut feeling’ has made my life more interesting and positive. The few times that I ignored my inner voice and listened to the external world or my own logic, are the one or two decisions I regret. 

It means a lot to me to be vulnerable with people, but I’m also an introvert and highly sensitive person, which makes it difficult for me to be surrounded by people all the time. This is my way to have enough ‘me time’ and still be able to connect with you. 

A personal blog written by Maura ten Hoopen, founder of Restful Mind.

I'm scared

In this blog I intend to be fully honest with my readers. To share my world with you. Yes, it scares me to open up here on the internet, because anyone can read it, but I don’t let that fear get in my way. Something stronger is pulling me in this direction and I let it guide me. 

Even though many people connect or reconnect with me because they are curious about my life, my thoughts keep repeating: “Why would anyone be interested in my life? I’m not really the type of person people look up to. Isn’t it unprofessional to share personal things while having a business to run?” 

Well, I’ve decided, I’m doing it anyway.

What to write about...

These blogs will be about anything that I’m experiencing or have experienced. My life is not exactly ‘normal’ from what I’ve heard and it has turned out completely different than I expected. Not better or worse, but definitely more adventurous and surprising. Some of you might already know a part of my story, but many things happen behind closed doors that I would like to share. 

About 10 months ago I decided to leave my comfort zone (the Netherlands) to travel around Egypt for a while. That was already a big event on its own, but this evolved in living in Egypt and I have no idea when or if I’ll come back. 

Why would you move to Egypt?

This is a question I’ve been asked many times, and I understand why. From what I’ve heard there are many negative stories about Egypt, and yes some of them are surely true. But there is also something magical and inspiring about this country and I think deep down inside I knew I had to come here to discover more about myself and my spirituality. 

When I was still living in the Netherlands, I met a guy on a dating app who came from Egypt. During each date, he would tell me more about this country and its culture. It intrigued me so much, and yes he intrigued me too, which was a perfect stimulus to get interested in the Arabic language. It was one of the most passionate and spiritual connections I’ve had in my life and when I realised we were not able to be together it broke my heart. 

I’ve had my heart broken many times before, but this time it was different. For some reason it was almost unbearable, even though it was such a short-term bond and I’m still not sure if he actually cared about me. Now looking back at it, I believe this was all meant to happen. If I hadn’t felt so heartbroken and interested in the Arabic language, I would’ve never found the courage and drive to travel all alone to a country that I heard many negative stories about. 

I’m so thankful that I’ve met this person, no matter what happened between us, because it’s part the reason I ended up here. It’s true that the most difficult times in life can actually bring you hidden treasures. You can read about other reasons why I left the Netherlands in another blog. 

Building a legacy

So, here I am, 10 months later in a place called Dahab, enjoying the beautiful Red Sea. In these past months, so many things have happened, and I’ve changed more than ever. I might write more about my experiences so far in another blog. 

So why did I stay in Egypt? Even though I told everyone I might travel for a few months..
Well, I fell in love.
With a person and also with this magical place. Another reason that I don’t like to admit, is that I’m not as successful (yet;)) as I hoped to be and sometimes even claim to be. Living here is cheaper and it gives me more time to work on my biggest goal in life. Being financially stable and independent, while sharing my longterm love in life,

Written by Maura ten Hoopen Composer & Founder of Restful Mind || Royalty Free Relaxing Music

5 Responses

  1. Oké dat werkte niet helemaal 😉 Geen telefoon emojis dus. Dan maar op de ouderwetse manier..


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